
Here you can find our MHD research program.

Wall confinement DONE
Controlled wall ionization In Progress
Synchronization with variable B-field TO DO
Visualize the induced flow in low pressure chamber In Progress
Experimentation in low pressure hypersonic wind tunnel (short duration flow) TO DO
Show the shock waves and turbulent wake cancellation TO DO

Each line of this table correspond a page explaining the work in progress in a particular domain, or a scientific paper in the case where our works have been presented in an international congress.

Stable spiral distribution of the current on MHD Aérodyne

May 1st 2013

Here are some pictures of the recent MHD experiments performed at our Lambda Laboratory. These pictures show perfectly the Spiral Currents disc-shaped Aerodynes. The establishment of a stable spiral distribution of the current is obtained by an original method, based on the concept of disc-shaped MHD aerodynes introduced by Jean-Pierre PETIT in 1975, in 2 papers released in the “Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences de Paris”.

This work will be presented in a Conference of Physics of Plasmas, that will take place in Warsaw (Poland), in fall of 2013. It is the first time, but certainly not the last, that the words “MHD Aérodyne” are registered in the title of a scientific paper in an international scientific symposium.

Document for International MHD conference in Prague, june 2012

April 30th, 2013

The paper presented by JP Petit during the 25th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology in Prague (Czech Republic) has been published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Acta Polytechnica. This paper is available on-line on the website of the Review (Volume 53(2), pages 219-222).

JP Petit, JC Doré
25th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology (SPPT 2012) Prague, Czech Republic (June 2012) Velikhov Electrothermal Instability Cancellation by a Modification of Electrical Conductivity Value in a Streamer by Magnetic Confinement

Spiral Currents disc-shaped Aerodynes

June 29th, 2012

The concept of disc-shaped MHD aerodynes has been introduced by Jean-Pierre PETIT in 1975, in 2 papers released in the “Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences de Paris”. Bringing out first the Velhikov instability and then cancelling it are two major steps to the experimentation and achievement of such aerodynes.
A state of the art as well as a status on our works progress are given in the following dedicated page : Spiral Currents disc-shaped Aerodynes

Interview with Jean-Pierre Petit recorded in Prague

June 28th, 2012

This is an interview with Jean-Pierre Petit, recorded during a informal presentation of our work, external to official symposium at Prague . The french version will be available soon. This is the full version (51′).
You can also see this video in three parts

Prague SPPT 2012 feedback

June 23th, 2012

25th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology à Prague.
This event set up by the Czech Technical University (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Physics) and theInstitute of Plasma Physics AS CR, v.v.i., was held from June 18th to 21st 2012. We were invited to report on our MHD research works led at the Lambda Laboratory and exchange with searchers from other foreign laboratories.
Read the summary of this event.

Videos excerpts from first MHD experiments

August 15th, 2011

Find here few videos of the experiments performed at UFO Science lab with the low pressure MHD test bench.

New pictures of parietal confinement

January 4th, 2011

Here are two new pictures taken from UFO Science last book, sold for the sole benefit of the association.

On the left, upper magnets coming down start the confinement effect. On the right, the discharge is fully confined.

Korean International Symposium EAPPC 2010-BEAMS 2010

October 11th, 2010

Jean-Pierre Petit and Jean-Christophe Doré were in South Korea in Jeju Island, to present the first results of experiments of low-density MHD system to the International Symposium MDH EAPPC 2010 / BEAMS 2010, from October 10 to 14, 2010. Read the summary of this event.

Video of the presentation by Jean-Pierre Petit, on Wednesday, October 13th :

Parietal confinement by magnetic gradient inversion

August 10th, 2010

Here are the selected color pictures for the communication that will be presented during the Pulsed Power Conference in Korea (EAPPC-BEAMS 2010).

On the left, the discharge undergoing a strong de-confinement effect, due to the magnetic field gradient. On the right, the parietal confinement resulting from magnetic field gradient.

JP Petit, JC Doré
3rd Euro-Asian Pulsed Power Conference (EAPPC2010) ICC Jeju, Jeju, Korea
(10-14 october 2010)
Wall confinement technique by magnetic gradient inversion

The electric conductivity can be then expressed thanks to a matrix. It can also be said that there are in fact two conductivities: one parallel, the other one transversal. For a given pressure, according to the magnetic field value which determines the Hall parameter one, we have two opposite situations :

First configuration: the Hall parameter value is negligible compared to unity. The electric conductivity is reduced to the scalar electric conductivity.
Second configuration : the Hall parameter is high compared to unity.

If we want to get high Hall parameter values with modest means (permanent magnets), we have a solution : Work under low pressure. Here under our test bench.

Some few pictures obtained with the test bench

August 5th, 2010

Low pressure MHD test bench finalization

July 18th, 2010

Since May 2010, the low pressure MHD test bench was being assembled. It is now fully operational.

Many parts have been especially made for this test bench, like the machined vacuum valve and the actioner, electrically isolated that have been designed, machined and mounted. A remotely controlled motorization has been added to keep a security distance between the bench and the experimenter. Small parts like stoppers and aerodyne mockups are on site, with a milling machine for mockups makers.

The bell jar glass is 40 cm in diameter. The first one we received alarmingly started to deform during first use. The manufacturer took it back at his expense and we have had to quickly order a new one. For security, three glass panels have been added for experimenter’s safety and to prevent any risks of flying pieces of material in case of implosion of the bell jar glass. The metallic tray has been replaced by a wooden made one to avoid electrocution risks.

UFO-Science Laboratory

A series of experiments is being prepared, especially hydraulic oriented ones, but we need some specific tools (see Jean-Pierre Petit requests on his website).

Document for International MHD conference in Bremen, October 2009

November 2009

The paper presented at the international MHD conference in Bremen in October 2009 by Jean-Pierre Petit, is available on our website :

Jean-Pierre Petit
16ème AIAA/DLR/DGLR International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, Bremen
(october 2009)
MHD hypersonic flow control for aerospace applications

German international Symposium AIAA/DLR/DGLR 2009

October 2009

Jean-Pierre Petit and Julien Geffray were in 16th AIAA/DLR/DGLR International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, Bremen (Germany), to present the paper named “MHD hypersonic flow control for aerospace applications”. This event was set up by the American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).

Document for International MHD conference in Vilnius, September 2008

July 17th, 2009

The three papers presented at the international MHD conference in Vilnius in September 2008 by Jean-Pierre Petit, and all three accepted by the peers, were published in the scientific journal Acta Physica Polonica A (tome 115, n° 5, june 2009). They are available on the site of the journal :

Jean-Pierre Petit
2nd Euro-Asian Pulsed Power Conference (EAPPC2008), Vilnius, Lithuania (september 2008)
MHD flow-control for hypersonic flight
OVNI le message
Jean-Pierre Petit
2nd Euro-Asian Pulsed Power Conference (EAPPC2008), Vilnius, Lithuania (september 2008)
Wall confinement technique by magnetic gradient inversion. Accelerators combining induction effect and pulsed ionization. Applications
Jean-Pierre Petit
2nd Euro-Asian Pulsed Power Conference (EAPPC2008), Vilnius, Lithuania (september 2008)
Non equilibrium plasma instabilities

Lituanian international Symposium EAPPC 2008

September 2008

Jean-Pierre Petit were in 2nd Euro-Asian Pulsed Power Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania, to present three importants papers :
– MHD flow-control for hypersonic flight
– Wall confinement technique by magnetic gradient inversion. Accelerators combining induction effect and pulsed ionization. Applications
– Non equilibrium plasma instabilities.